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International Olympiad in Informatics
The Results

About this website

I began this project when I realized there was no website where you could easily access the results of all the IOI. Futhermore, sometimes there was no consistency among existing websites regarding the format of results, so I tried to address that problem as well. Finally, I chose to put all information in Microsoft Excel because that way you can have instant flexibility on the data. Also you can import the data to some sort of database very easily, so maybe some day this will grow out into something like what the IMO has had for years.

What have I done?


There are some further notes I would like to make about the data. You can download the full .xlsx file below, but I have also saved each year’s results as a .pdf and .csv file for better accessibility. If the .xlsx changes, the corresponding .pdf and .csv will be updated as well. Next, for ensuring better country statistics, there are 2 countries in the data which might appear different in official data. Here, the Federal Republic of Germany appears as Germany in 1989–1990 and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia appears as Serbia and Montenegro in 1992–2002. Furthermore, it appears that there are only two contestants sharing the same name in the data: Chen Zheng (first from China in 1993 and 1995, second from China in 2000). Keep this in mind working with the data. Finally, some notes regarding the second and third teams of a single country. I have found data on them in the following IOI: 1989, 1996, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2011. In 1989, 1996 and 2004 those teams are ranked in the official data, so I counted their members towards the medalists (and they appear in the medalists’ worksheet without a team number). For other years they are stated as unranked in the official data, so I didn’t count their members towards the medalists. I believe this is the correct way to do this.


(Content is now inaccessible, but the changelog is preserved)
